Why I Still Blog, Despite Instagram

9:01 AM

Maintaining my blog has gotten harder and harder to do as years go by. I started this blog in 2009, when this was the only real platform I had to freely share my ideas, outfits, inspirations and anything I can think of. I also started this when i was a naive, college student and back then I thought when I finish school i would actually have more time to keep blogging. Maaan, i was so wrong. After I graduated fashion school, I opened up my first boutique at age 22... then real life happened. Ikr?

I guess the real reason why I still keep my blog going is that i dont feel the need or the pressure to schedule a post or creatively curate it as much as Instagram. I can just leave and come back here whenever i feel like it. This has always been a safe place for me and even when i lose track of that from time to time, i still come back to its main purpose. I still manage to keep this place as personal as possible. Which means a little less advertising- and 100% keeping it real. 

So here it goes, I'll be posting all my draft posts before the year ends. Massive #ootd , iphone photos to dump. I may or may not put words/phrases in it but i promise to tag or mention the brands (if its branded lol) of what im wearing.  That's the main point of this fashion blog, anyway. 
I hope you enjoy, and while you're at it, follow me on IG if you havent yet. @evaaguspina 
What i wore: Top and skirt made by me; Skechers sneakers
Thanks for dropping by today!!!! xxx
Have an awesome week!

-Eva M.

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